The English Interview with Bahadır Karasu

What is your specialty? Production, direction, something else?
Production and Direction...But Generally I do direct film that I wrote.

Is there a link to a site where we can see references to your work?
Yes Sure

How did you begin in this field? Who introduced you to it?
I first became interested in film production and directing when I was 15 my highschool time. Actually nobody introduced me this. I totally interested in films and I watch 2 films per day. I like movies , art , musics , that things got me interested in directing and writing films.

Which have been the most symbolic works of your career?
"Me" is the best film I've ever made for now. Before this I shot really amateur films for develope myself and I know every film is the step of the ladder for becoming professional director. I am trying to do my best for every project.

Do you work for a client, for the audience, or for your own creative adventure?
Actually, I work for art. So it means I work for the audience.

What should a good script have in order to interest you?
Good Script, that's a good question. I love the movies with narrator. So for me Good Script must have creative and unvapid story even though it is vapid story , director must make the film beatiful with that bad script. Generally Good Scripts comes from real life. Writers generally put the short memories in his life to their script. Life is a experience so I think the good script written by the writers that has accumulation of the life experience.

Name three contemporary directors or producers that you admire.
Quentin Tarantino is the best idol of mine becasue I love his style and his life story until he had became famous director. David Fincher always make thoughtful and meaningful film so I really love his too. Alexandria Gonzalez Innaritu is the another idol for me because of his very good compostion and drama story films.

What movies or television shows inspired you to work in this field?
I am trying to watch the all movies in the world because I think every good director must do this. Fight Club, Lord Of The Rings, Leon , Titanic , Shawshank Redemption, Curious Case Of Benjamin Button is the best film that effected me.

Do you enjoy post-production, or do you prefer to leave that in the hands of other professionals?
Never. If I make a film I always I do its post-production. I like editing. I always interested in choice of music, cut scene, combine scene, even special effect so in my short film I do everything myself except special effects and musics.

Do you eat popcorn at the movies?
No :D

What works best for you when selecting an actor: an audition, seeing some of his/her previous work or having a long conversation with him/her?
Firstly seeing some of his previous work and then make your decision him or her is suitable for your film. And for sure I think every director have a long conversation with him or her about the project and script.

Do you change the dialogue after selecting the actors in order to adapt the characters to them?

Yes you must write dialog that suitable for the characters that you wanted to be. Because every actors has a different emotion and style you must select them according to the script or you must get the script suitable for actors.

Which do you like more, large budget or small independent productions?
They have different beauty because you cant consider them equal. I love both.

Is the future of cinema the Internet? Mobile phones?
The Internet is the probably future of the cinema.

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